The Future of IndustrialCraft, theme-wise

Originally, it was just a small coding exercise of mine.

Then i proceeded to add the next technology, the ‘Industrialization’ to Minecraft.

Meanwhile, we got Lasers, NanoSuits, High-Tech Nuclear Reactors, Radioactive Supercreepers… Now, probably not latter one, but the remaining stuff that actually is FAR beyong “Industrial Age”.

Same way, some later ideas, like CPUs, Orbital Cannon, Fusion Generator etc are probably even less “Industrial Age” then the stuff we have yet.

First question: is there any group in the community which DISLIKES the evolvement of IndustrialCraft in this regard?
The whole Notch situation kinda bothered me into dunno’ing whether i’m still hitting the correct red line for my own mod :3


Second part: I once said this was meant to be a mining & technology-based mod, only providing useful tools and no sort of actual weapons. Kinda broke that word with implementing a NanoSabre to create a balance factor for QuantumSuit on PvP servers.
However, for some future theme ideas, for example the super-secret secret-project, I think about adding actual real weapons to the game. Not the SDK “Let’s take every CS weapon and turn it into an equivalently overpowered item”, but in a balanced, yet challenging way (and ofc with the special touch of HAYO!).

Any critic/comments in this regard? I wouldn’t mind giving IC²-users the capability to start “High-Tech-Age-Wars” on PvP servers, with each group mining sacre ressource spots with their miners, processing it in hidden refinerys and then proceeding to use the ressources in long-ranged QuantumSuit-Warrior battles. Unless you guys would actually dislike the idea ^^’


Tell me your thoughts, and feel free to be honest, please :§

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Minecrafts “Full Release”

Won’t bother downloading it or searching for changelog stuffs, did Notch anything of interest?

Afaik he did neither finish up NPCs (which could have been neat to create better AIs), nor the nether and of course not the mod support.

How’s the enchantment system, still overpowered as crap (infinite ressources, invulnerability)?

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Upcoming release v1.3

With MCP fixed up and the long time I didn’t work intensively on actual IC code in mind, I’ve razed the bug/minor changes list to about 20% of it’s previous size in the past few days.

We currently got a problem with our repository, but once that’s fixed, we will compile a version for our testers to mess with. Depending on their speed and the fixed we will have to do after they do their job, ETA somewhen within next week, I would dare to say (can’t promise this weekend, i’ve got load of other stuff i should actually be doing while writing this… >.>)

I would love to give you the changelog, but without access to the repo we can’t create one XD And with the dozens of commits done noone can possible remember all changes by himself…

edit: Repo is up, cannot give you the changelog until our testers confirmed the fixes to work, though. Hint: Changelog currently consists of 49 notes (and probaby lotsa stuff we forgot to mention in the review history)

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Next IC² version will come as…


With all that ruckus, pre-releases, blatantly bugged full releases, “beta beta” versions and the other crabs Mojang are throwing at us, we decided to stick with 1.8 for a while.

Probably useless to mention, but keep a few vanilla backups of the 1.8 mc.jar ^^


Did I mention the quality of Mojands code is continously dropping? A mate of mine showed me the current release and the enchanting things… f.e. the 3x Drop pickaxe. Amusingly, using it on TNT drops only 2 TNT. Which means that the pickaxe isn’t even using the actual drop code (because then it would drop 0), but just adding 2 random block drops directly.
Probably most don’t understand the severity of this, but that’s the code a new 12 years old modder would write for his favourite new DirtPickaxe mod. Not something you would exspect from a programming company.
Either way, /rant

Back to fixing IC²

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Progress Update

So, felt like giving you a short sitrep reguarding the whole situation.

First and foremost, my holidays are past, university started again and there’s loads of other stuffs to do. Will try to keep up some IC² developement though.

The whole dev team is currently working on three things:

1.  A Super-Secret project currently even unknown to the beta-testers. Won’t reveal much more until it’s near completion, though.

2. Gonna rewrite the Albos-Parser to a different concept, causing it to be more mighty. Realised the current implementation couldn’t possible do what the whole system is meant to do. It will probably turn out like a less complex version of Java itself. Variables, methods and returns will definitely be a part of it.

edit: Rewrote the basic code i had. Now Albos fully supports part-wise parsing and methods with return statements. Only left to implement are the base commands and the library parsing. And the GUI, of course…

3. Of course we’re working on bugfixes as well. Stupidly there are LOADS of it… and Iwould dare to claim most are caused by MC’s unflexible and buggy base engine.


Anyways, stay tuned :3


PS: Any attempts in trying to make me leak informations regarding #1 will either cause me to NOT answer or to deny whatever crazy idea you suggested to prevent hypes. If i notice your comment at all, that is, thus not-answering could as well have no specific meaning.

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Random Progress & MCF rant

Geez, i think MCF is slowly dropping down. :O
Just found a 3-page long flamewar in the Modding section about a (admittedly crappy) mod merely messing with texture models. Either way, the thread is open for quite some time now, but not yet moderated. In another thread I found people plainly spamming the thread consecutively, nothing done either.

To quote a quite amusing taunt from FreeAllegiance: “Did the IQs drop sharply while I was away?”

Kinda glad we moved out to an own site weeks ago :3


Those reading actively in the forum probably noticed i started coding the Electronic system. So far, most of the  background engine is done (energy management, processor assignment, Block-code, etc). Now “merely” I need to code all base commands in, add custum command support and then create the GUI.

Depending on how much time university will drain, this may very well take a few more weeks to finish up, though, don’t bother your F5 keys ^^

Btw, did i mention the name of the OperatingSystem running on the IC Electronics? > Albos :3

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Just met a guy in university, convo:

Him: “Hey, didn’t you somewhen said your modding Minecraft.”
Me: “Jup.”
Him: “Can you give me some tips on how to get started?”
Me: “Sure […] Btw, do you know IndustrialCraft?”
Him: “Yes, have seen that mod, quite an awesome one.”
Me: “I’ve made it.”
Him: “Wait, what?”
Me: “Je, i’m Alblaka, the creator of IndustrialCraft.”
Him: “Wow… great job man, seems to be the most awesome mod out there… […]”
Note: Trivially, this was a convo in German language. I don’t promise this translation to be 1:1 accurate.


If virtual fame reaches RL, you win :3

Posted in News | 8 Comments

Some advertisment for the own cause

Note: This post is about me making some advertisement for my German novel i’ve released about two years ago. Unless you can speak German you’re probably not interested anyways, thus please don’t mind if I continue writing this post in German language.


Ich glaube, ich hatte das auf dieser Website noch nicht groß erwähnt, aber neben Programmieren, Studieren und Zocken bin auch generell mit Schreiben beschäftigt, vorzüglich mit Fantasy-Storys.

Wer Interesse an Kurzgeschichten hat, kann sich diese gerne bei folgenden Adressen anschauen und durchlesen. (Arihpas ist mein alter Nick) (Hier gibts auch die anderen Geschichten, allerdings nur in lausiger Formatierung)


So, nun wieder zum eigentlich Grund dieses Posts. Aufgrunf meiner… nicht-unbedingt-hyperaktiven Natur habe ich immernoch ein paar dutzend Erstauflagen meines Romans “Die Rückkehr der Drache, Teil I: Tempora” bei mir rumliegen.
(Anmerkung zum Cover: Das passiert, wenn man sich nicht genug um die Covergestaltung kümmert. Nu siehst aus wie ein Kinderbilderbuch >.>)
Es ist ein Fantasy-Roman für Jugendliche und aufwärts, bei dem sich alles um einen Jungen handelt, der per Zufall ein uraltes Geheimnis lüfted und auf eine Gruppe mysteriöser Fabelwesen stößt (die man anhand des Titels/Covers überhaupt nicht vorweg identifizieren kann :O).
Bis jetzt gab es erst eine negative Kritik (auf dutzende positive), von daher gehe ich davon aus, dass der Inhalt des Buches selbst kein Reinfall sein sollte. Nur ist das Vermarkten eines vollkommen unbekannten Autors immens schwer ^^’ Von daher halten sich die Verkaufszahlen noch in Grenzen (selbst nach 2 Jahren…).

Wenn jemand von euch Interesse an Fantasy-Romanen hat, dazu noch das Interesse mich als Neuautoren zu unterstützen und darüber hinaus über 12,50€ verfügt, wäre das nun die Gelengenheit ein Buch zu erwerben.
Die erste Möglichkeit wäre natürlich, es sich im Buchladen um die Ecke zu bestellen, die zweite, es im Onlineshp zu besorgen. Die beste ist vermutlich aber, wenn ihr es direkt bei mir kauft, denn immerhin krieg ich dann ein bisschen was um meine Auslagen zu decken (musste den Druck mitfinanzieren und sagen wir es, bis heute ist es keine + Bilanz) und ihr kriegt
ein signiertes Erstexemplar
vom originalen Autor persönlich… welcher rein zufällig auch der Macher von IC und (bis zu einem gewissen grad, immerhin hab ich jetzt ein Super-Team)  IC².

Wenn ihr Interesse habt, kontaktiert mich entweder über Foren-PM oder über eine E-Mail an leinad291ÄÄÄÄÄ . Bezahlen könnt ihr entweder per Überweisung oder über PayPal, Versankosten (zumindest innerhalb von Europa) übernehme ich :3


Sorry, if anyone is getting bothered by me abusing my popular IC-themed blog for promoting something unrelated to IC itself.
But je, sitting on top of a stack of unsold, but paid books makes people go for extremely evil popularity-abusing methods…

edit: On a sidenote, I’m writing short novels as well, some of them even in English language. If people are interested I could up them somewhere on the forum.

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v1.23 is out

Well, now the Miner-Bug is fixed too^^

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Updated to v1.22

Like Al said, here is the next update ;D

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