Regarding all the questions about the 1.0.0 update

People, please stop that “spam”.
All requests for the update in the forum or the wiki, will get deleted and the author banned.

And if you use the “contact”- or the “support”-button: All requests about the update get immediately deleted, so don’t try^^

Posted in News | 106 Comments

Some first peak at the 1.0 code…

revealed porting will definitely take it’s time.
All starts with the basic “Yey, MCP changes the method names” issue, which is “easy” to fix, but takes time and patience. Then we got changes to the armor system that need to be accounted for.

Next up we’re going to rewrite quite the whole ElectricTool system, given we can now make them more accurate and (after the rewrite) easier to maintain and use (code-wise, you won’t notice a change). Will take time, exspecially for debugging, as well.

Not even going for a guessed ETA, just telling you, it WILL take some.
Even if I hold back and do not strive for content-adding :O

Posted in News | 247 Comments

Hotfix v1.337b released


Contains some fixes, f.e. Solar Panels working again :O


*waves hand* this isn’t the typo you are looking for

Posted in News | 37 Comments

Hot hotfix news

We’ve found the issue for some Detector cable malfunctions.

As well using the MC method for determining sun-visibility was a crappy idea… it’s kinda tricky, but we found out how to use it correctly. I should have insisted on not using it at all, though.

Hotfix will be inbound after i’ve taken care of some more issues. Probably this will take ~a few hours, though.
PS: Took care of armor pieces recharging themselves.

Posted in News | 25 Comments

Sorry for the delay of ~7 hours, v1337 out now :3

Je, did take longer then exspected. But nontheless, here you go with the newest version of Industrial Awesomeness:

Changelog from 1.23 > 1.337 contains whole 77 changes. Be sure to read them all (posted in thread) to be amazed by the amount of fixed bugs. Gonna add a recipe list asap.


PS: Tip regarding new stuff:
Luminators can be powered by rightclicking them with battery/crystals, they store up to 10k EU now, which last for nearly 2 days. Or you place them upon cables. Take note they have different shapes depending on where you place them (on).
EU-Detector cables appear to be slightly buggy. We’re currently investigating why java refuses to work properly after a release, but never shows up issues during tests.

Posted in News | 59 Comments

About Eloraam and me

I seriously hate her and will leave MCForge.

Just kidding.

We had a quite long talk mixed up with anything you can randomly talk about from dev to dev and discussed the issue of mods overlapping. I could start quoting parts of it, but as i’ve said, the convo went for nearly 2 hours, doubt you want to read all of it.

In the end, we agreed upon following points:
-It’s not nice to copy other peoples work.
-As Eloraams wants to add more advanced machines to RP, she needs some basic components within her own mod, even if those are overlapping with IC.
-The fact people are dropping BCs pipes for RPs tubes is not nice, but cannot exactly be circumvented.
-It would be too much of a hassle and recoding and overall workish stuff to merge RP/IC/BC into a single mod.
-More cross-using of APIs and interfaces would benefit both mods.
-40% of our ideas for future secret projects actually match.
-Enchantments & ItemRepairs will cause a load of headache to mod-items.
-Latin is an interesting language
-Other even more unrelevant stuff

I’ve probably overreacted some in the regard of RP and did already excuse for calling her names like ‘copycat’ and similar stuff, wasn’t reeeeally fair. Given there won’t be a Macerator or Mining Drill in RP, i think i can live with Bluetricity. At least I’ve managed to ensure that the secret project will not overlap with RPs developement plans 😀

In regard to BC, it’s up to SpaceToad to decide how to handle the situation. According to Eloraam he intends to improve the Pipe system and as well add more actual BUILD machines to provide more options for players.

As far as FC goes… I doubt he will step back on his words. If he doesn’t stick to MCForge, BTW will drop into incompatibility for sure and then people will (and i assume i’m correct here) drop BTW for the other techmods… But it’s his choice how to develope his mod, after all.


Btw, @ v1.337 just got packed up and is being tested. Once i’ve got the rgr from an independant tester, the version will be released. You may start spamming F5 now.

Posted in News | 140 Comments

Last testing phase and next project series

Finished up the last batch of bugfixes and smaller coding things for the next release. Given there are only a few changes, the testing phase probably shouldn’t take longer then a day, given the testers do their job. Release should be scheduled this weekend.


On a second Note, i’ve started designing the concept for my next IC-PC Project (IC stuff i will work on while not at my laptop (on which i’m developing the CPUs seperately)):


Je, couldn’t yet decide on a fitting name, but it’s about agriculture, farming and loads of new funny plants. Don’t worry, the whole project is designed to take up exactly one single block ID :3 According to my current calculations, it should be possible to store 64 different plant types with 3 attributes each within a single block&item (of course i could store theoretically infinite blocks into a TE block, but items can only store 32000 varying metavalues).
Players can start off with using common seeds to creae basic plants, like Wheat or Grass and can start modifying / crossbreeding them for various results. Each plant has 5 Attributes:
-Type, determing what sort of plant it actually is (f.e. one dropping wheat, or one dropping redstone or industrial gunpowder or whatever i decide to implement)
-Growth, higher growth attribute means the plant grows faster. Given the fact these plants will tend to grow REEEEALLY slow (since harvesting them can actually give viable ressources)
-Gain, the higher this attribute, the more stuff is dropped by a plant. For valuable drops, this actually raises the chance of something dropping at all
-Resistance, higher resistance is essential if you don’t want your plant to fall victim to weed, bugs or animals walking across your farm.

That’s a rough overview, i’m still working out details, f.e. how the crossbreeding will work and what requirements will be possible for plants (casual hydration, special hydration, fertilizer, specific growth requirements).

Ah je, and you will get an Electric Hoe :3

Posted in News | 63 Comments

Luminators back in dah house

Now, not exactly “back” but rather “new” as i’ve recoded them to a basic 2ID-block. Couldn’t stand waiting anymore.

HOWEVER, you do NOT get the casual oversized-blocklike luminators but actual stylish neonbulbs. They will attach to ground, wall or ceiling in a modern-pattern, reshaping accordingly. Of course they provide extreme good light (actually just glowstone, but that IS an engine limit), do not obstruct walkways (though you CAN collide with them) and will set mobs (exspecially undead ones) ablaze.

Consumption is 5 EU per second currently, which means 1 RE Battery lasts for ~ 1.7 days. Did i mention they can be powered either via LV or by rightclicking them with Batterys, or even Crystals (filling up the Lumis in a larger room would otherwise require too much batterys…).

As well, i guarantuee for ZERO flickering. Unless you’re running low on energy.

Btw, Study-Project is near finished (the actual reason i found time to code this) i will try to get the version done up to WE. Probably gonna skip intensive betatesting for this smaller update (compared to 1.30 itself).

Posted in News | 89 Comments

Upcoming release v1.33 (hopefully)

Actually I intended to make the next release aout a few days ago, but crapload of fixes = crapload of new bugs popping up = requiring crapload of refixes = ruining time schedules.

Ntm i spent 7 hours today describing how an entirely unimportant user would use an entirely unimportant system, in an unimportantly detailed matter, blargh, sucky study project. Hate documents.

Either way, we’re on 1.32 and only got 3 new bugs listed. Guess it will be 1.33, if everything runs smoothly, tomorrow… Thus, assume it will be within the next 3 days (because it never runs smoothly)
PS: for version 1.8 of MC, ofc

Posted in News | 73 Comments


No seriously, i’ve had more comments on my last blogpost within the last 24 hours, then in the entire month before XD

Not something negative, thanks for the feedback :3


I’m gonna sum up what i’ve read down there:
-Most people do not mind the future tech of IC.
-The idea of implementing weapons is about 50-50, a few disliking the idea, most stating weapons wouldn’t matter to them.
-1% of people came quite close to the secret project with their suggestions.

As such, I will probably put weapons on the low priority list. Next step will be CPUs, then our civil secret project. As well, i think about going back to my idea of customizeable plants and overall enhancements in the agriculture sector (as in industrial fertilizer and stuff).

It’s an idea I originally wanted to code as 4th mod, before i started with IC², consisting of an vatly improved version of my MeC-Alchemy system, containing numerous plants and the capability to cross-breed them for new effects and stuff… Gonna re-organize my plans for this stuff, though.

Posted in News | 71 Comments