Casual PIPA SOPA rant


I’m actually neutral in this regard, given the fact the contra-PIPA people are constantly pissing me off by shutting down sites I wanted to use today.

I seriously can’t see the point in a “Hey people, you need to support our petition! Whilst we disable the thing you just wanted to access, have fun!”-strategy.
Don’t mind people making posts or whatever to point at the issue, but pissing others off is not the way to do it.


To clarify this:
I’m not lamenting about sites putting big bold texts to warn unknowing people. Thats a fair move. But they really shouldn’t shutdown sites (rather just hide them behind said texts), as it doesn’t benefit anyone, literally.


Whilst still STRONGLY disagreeing with the way contra-activists went along. The cause itself is support-worthy.

If you’re new to this, try this link, contains some nice crosslinked information:

Posted in News | 116 Comments

Need Crop ideas

Read the full thread here:

AgriCulture system is ready to be filled with fun stuff ^^


Felt like adding a screenshot :3
Shows up a few of the first implemented Flower, mainly Roses and Dandelion.

To the right you can see freshly planted crops. Managed to crossbreed some Tulpits, even poisonous ones!

And here take another screen of the awesome Cropnalyzer HandHeld Device, capable of analysing the very DNA of a few crops. For a price in EU, of course… every bag of seed (>.> coin icon is a temporary replacement sprite) can be scanned a few times, revealing more information with each run.

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Back from Harz

Aloa everyone and a happy new year.

Back from ‘Torfhaus’, the center of Nature Reserve Harz (a mountain region in mid-Europe). Quite a nice vacation, lots of snow and stormy air there :3

University starts in 40 hours, enough time to get back into casual-day planning. Gotta take a look at IC² somewhen, had some nice new inspriations for stuff.

Posted in News | 22 Comments

Happy New Year ^^

Well i’m kinda late, nontheless:
Happy New Year to all of you :3

Posted in News | 16 Comments

‘Dustrial Christmas everyone!

We wish you an ‘Dustrial Christmas,
We wish you an ‘Dustrial Christmas,
We wish you an ‘Dustrial Christmas
and a Mining Laser.

:3 It’s short after midnight in my timezone, thus it’s the 24th, which means > Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone. ^^


I’m actually sorry not to provide some epic Christmas content. Had enough ideas, but lacked the time, given we had the 1.0 ports, bugfixes and me+studentish group had to finish a large document for university till yesterday 23:59, keeping us overly busy along the past time.
I hope you can enjoy Christmas nontheless :3 Take some time off from IC² and enjoy it with your familys or do charity things, like donating diamonds to someone. Unless you got no family or hate Christmas, in that case use the extra time and grab some new UUM to create random stuff!


Yes, it appears the SQL-Server got some issues currently. Forum appears entirely offline. Wiki and blog appear to work again, though.

Posted in News | 46 Comments

v1.43 Hotfix

Some small fixed, mainly to prevent Nuclear Reactors from constantly crashing.

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We got a forum for a reason

Please stop flooding the blog with bugreports and support request.

We got a forum and a dedicated website for that, you know?

Posted in News | 16 Comments

Wiki updated

Well, I’m back 😛

And I updated the wiki for the 1.0.0 port ^.^

Posted in News | 5 Comments

Issues with Electric&IronFurnace GUI

Probably we didn’t consider new GUIIds for enchantment tables and brewing stand of Minecraft.

You need to change the GUIIDs for Electric&Iron Furnaces in the config for them to work properly.
This issue should exclusively affect SMP, as SSP runs without GUIIds.
Be warned, Client and Server need the SAME GUIIds or malfunctions can occur.

Posted in News | 32 Comments

You can stop breaking your F5/CTRL+R keys now…

1.0 port is done:

Be warned, it’s literally that. A port.
The only fixes added are those related to critical bugs caused by the porting itself. I will not dare to claim the version is any more stable then the last one (probably quite the opposite).

As soon as we have the time, we will fix up old stuff and add new stuff. However, at least you can mess with Enderdragon Industrial-Style now. Try a nuke on him, lol :3



No clue about the mediafire thing, works for me.
Probably you guys killed the filesystem be excesive over-usage or something XD
Feanturi’s ill, can’t get the downloads onto our own server currently ^^’

Posted in News | 75 Comments