Let’s assume you’re talking a walk along a road in your town/city/whatever.
You see a large advertisment, advertising random stuff you would never be interested in, for example kitchens.
Why do you walk up to it and start screaming “OMG SPAM!”?
You don’t? Then why are people still responding to spambot threads in the forum? ~.=.~
PS: Oh, and we intend to release a new version of IC (aka turn a beta into official) across the next couple of days.
Nice analogy.
Glad to hear it — looking forward to the release.
Pleasant development, considering there is now a big hole where my F5 key used to be…
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I’ve been waiting for news like this… Now to check in even more often.
yaaaay new version of ic^2 yaaay
if im going to be a little serious. i’m really looking forward to this my server have getting less and less people so this might pull some back.
as always thanks for all the work
looking 4ward 2 the update…
Hoped u fixed that uranium ore bug…
I luv making my own hd texture to IC machines…
but, I like kitchens….
for a serious answer, we have been bombarded by billboards for decades (perhaps over a century?) and we have only had the internet for 25 years (est), many people are new to the internet too so they haven’t grown used to it being the single greatest tool for spam that humans have ever conceived of.
Also looking forward to more IC2, even though I am a filthy tekkit user so will have to wait a few years to get it
In the Dwarf Fortress Forums actually people enjoy the spambots they actually Respond to them, some of these Threads are hillariously funny.
Well… Dwarf Fortress is a game for potentially sadistic dwarf torturers XD
I prefer spambots over most of the suggestions. It’s easy to see why such a mellow person as FenixR goes to such drastic measures.
Uhm what measures does he go to? xD
Have you not seen any of his rants? They’re everywhere on the forums.
You don’t become unofficial forum asshole without ranting at least a few times
oh, yes I’ve seen the rants which is why i left the forums, i thought you meant some counter measure
Finnaly! what a glorious moment! at long last, buildcraft and industrialcraft with be out together! This has been the first time this has happened since the series of minecraft updates! what a glorious moment!
Hi there,
you mean a new version of IC for 1.4.2 too? Or for 1.4.5 only?
Alblaka, I been MIA but took a few plays with IC today. I would recommend doing one more Beta release this week just to iron out some of the bugs.
Well, if he DID hold off another week, then a release next week would be a great Christmas present… but if he feels he’s ready to do a proper release, I say let ‘im! It IS his mod after all.