1. industrial-craft.net will migrate to a new server within the next days. Imer warns there could be occasional downtimes of multiple hours. Just telling you it won’t be anything to worry about.
2. Imer as well figured out why spambots could post as unregistered, some of the forums had individual settings turned on and ignored the fact unregistered’s weren’t supposed to be able to post. Should be fixed now.
3. I wanted to say a third thing, too, but forgot what it was whilst typing… will edit it in once I remember ^^’ Oh right, IC beta vor 1.4.5 is online. I wish we would have suitable time to un-beta releases into an official version (aka a version with low bug count), but Mojang’s update policy is a slight issue in that regard.
Have you remembered the 3rd one, yet? :O
ic.net appears to be purchased already by some company…
I think he meant industrial-craft.net
> industrial-craft.net
Didn’t feel like typing it out
That’s cuz ALL 2 – 3 letter domains are ALL BOUGHT AND PARKED…this happened before 2000.
You’d pay a VERY high price for that type of domain..
Just saying
What is the reason for the server switch?
My host released their new server range.
-> same price and better cpu, more ram and so on
not complaining about that
Perhaps the third thing was the IC2 1.109 beta for 1.4.5?
Oh right, that was it :3 (I think)
Does “online” mean it is available for download?
Yes, just check the Support section for the Beta thread. Be advised it’s a (open) BETA, which means it’s not exactly stable or debugged.
is there a way to obtain beta?