I have been experimenting with nuke recently. Seriously guys, be careful with this stuff… I placed 9 nukes in 3×3 area and activated the middle one. The hole reached the bedrock but I cannot tell you how exactly it looked like, because the world renderer took offense and decided to take a holiday And I had to delete the map because of massive lag (FPS dropped below 1 (Waiting for over 1 hour didn’t help, the renderer still hadn’t got back from his holiday)
Yup nukes can cause quite the hole in your world but most of the lag isn’t from the nuke itself but the blocks it leaves behind.. Specially if you stack them like you did as they multiply each other making more block drop due to a larger blast.
Your best bet is to run far away then quit the game then log back in to force the dropped items to despawn
We played around a bit on a SMP server, setting nuke to 100 (35 is base, 4 ist TNt) and going in the Nether. BOOOM a big hole, down to Bedrock but it was a Ball… Looked kinda impressive, but damaged our Nether-House
So we we’re bored and wanted to Restart, Mate said: PAck everything I placed two Nukes
What i told him afterwards: Nuke strengh was 1000
two Nukes with 1000 it was a hole to bedrock everywhere. It only stoped if there was a unloaded chunk everything else went BOOOOOOOOM
what we really need is plutonium to make a bigger nuke, then they can be renamed the “Littleboy” and the “Fatman” after the 2 nukes dropped on Japan to end WWII in the pacific.
Well, the Nuke is absolutely the number 1 tech terror for sure! We blew up our Tekkit world a few nights ago using about 50+ of the “secret” Nukes hehe. It was an ABSOLUTE blast! Best part, the only two things that survived were a nuke chamber I created and an enchanting table lol.
We placed a few nukes on our server just to show off for a friend not playing Minecraft… Luckily we had a backup of the world from just before….. Maaaasssive lag and our spawn building we just used a week to build was completely gone xD auch… One big hole down to bedrock.
Sag mal Alblaka,
wie wärs mit Abgasen in Industrialcraft? ^^ Ich finde das wäre auch mal ein wichtiger Aspekt der unter Industrie läuft und wäre sicher auch mal ne idee zum implementieren. Vieleicht so mit Schornsteinen an Generatoren mit Filter etc um der Umwelt nicht zu schaden. Man könnte dann noch so extra ein Biom einfügen mit Kaputten Pflanzen (Die verdrockneten Wüstenpflanzen zb), sehr dunklem Grass und Bäume ohne Blätter. Diesen erhält man dann in der Umgebung wenn man zuviel Umweltverschmutzung betrieben hat… Klar, wäre wieder n heiden Arbeit, aber war jetzt auch nur mal so ne Idee.
Trozdem möchte ich dir mal für deine überragende Arbeit danken! Einfach nur geil was du hier ablieferst. Minecraft ohne Industrialcraft²? Kann ich mir persönlich gar nicht mehr vorstellen!
That is freakin awesome!!
Thats so badass ;D
nice one
I’m guessing the strength was set at max? I’ve set off a nuke before, but it wasn’t THAT destructive.
Depends on the terrain around you
Have Industrial TNT and TNT same explosion physic like nuke?
ITNT yes.
I have been experimenting with nuke recently. Seriously guys, be careful with this stuff… I placed 9 nukes in 3×3 area and activated the middle one. The hole reached the bedrock but I cannot tell you how exactly it looked like, because the world renderer took offense and decided to take a holiday
And I had to delete the map because of massive lag (FPS dropped below 1 (Waiting for over 1 hour didn’t help, the renderer still hadn’t got back from his holiday)
So yeah, nuke is truly Top #1 Terror
Yup nukes can cause quite the hole in your world but most of the lag isn’t from the nuke itself but the blocks it leaves behind.. Specially if you stack them like you did as they multiply each other making more block drop due to a larger blast.
Your best bet is to run far away then quit the game then log back in to force the dropped items to despawn
If you have NEI you could disable item drops when playing with explosives, worked like a charm for me.
And we feared creepers?
So… You’re saying that you approve of IC2’s participation in Tekkit?
Now, given they requested permission some months ago…
We played around a bit on a SMP server, setting nuke to 100 (35 is base, 4 ist TNt) and going in the Nether. BOOOM a big hole, down to Bedrock but it was a Ball… Looked kinda impressive, but damaged our Nether-House
So we we’re bored and wanted to Restart, Mate said: PAck everything I placed two Nukes
What i told him afterwards: Nuke strengh was 1000
two Nukes with 1000 it was a hole to bedrock everywhere. It only stoped if there was a unloaded chunk everything else went BOOOOOOOOM
I built a three by three pillar of Nukes all the way down to bedrock on creative mode. It lagged for hours! When it was over, the crater was insane!
I’m surprised the ic2 dynamite didn’t make it on Sjin’s top ten.
Not enough explosive force, i guess.
I guess, but you can’t place, let alone detonate Balkon’s dynamite in groups at a time.
This video title should be:How to nuke a house like a boss
BTW, dont nuke your house on a server
Heh. The only reason i can think of for a nuke…..is to blow those Squidward faces out of da freakin planet >:3
Well, that and making huge holes in the ground to make secret underground lairs….. >:3
…er..isnt alblaka german?…
Now all we need is an Iridium+Uranium modified nuke design to build an H-bomb which refuses to drop any items at all…
ooooh i like that one good for blowing one hell of a crater in the surface and mining what you see in the crater i do that with nukes XD
There is one like that in the Rocket Science add on called a thermonuclear missile which obliterates a god knows what area.
what we really need is plutonium to make a bigger nuke, then they can be renamed the “Littleboy” and the “Fatman” after the 2 nukes dropped on Japan to end WWII in the pacific.
Well, the Nuke is absolutely the number 1 tech terror for sure! We blew up our Tekkit world a few nights ago using about 50+ of the “secret” Nukes hehe. It was an ABSOLUTE blast! Best part, the only two things that survived were a nuke chamber I created and an enchanting table lol.
Now I only need a 1.2.5 IC2 nuke for there is a griefer town on my server that needs erasing…
We placed a few nukes on our server just to show off for a friend not playing Minecraft… Luckily we had a backup of the world from just before….. Maaaasssive lag and our spawn building we just used a week to build was completely gone xD auch… One big hole down to bedrock.
Sag mal Alblaka,
wie wärs mit Abgasen in Industrialcraft? ^^ Ich finde das wäre auch mal ein wichtiger Aspekt der unter Industrie läuft und wäre sicher auch mal ne idee zum implementieren. Vieleicht so mit Schornsteinen an Generatoren mit Filter etc um der Umwelt nicht zu schaden. Man könnte dann noch so extra ein Biom einfügen mit Kaputten Pflanzen (Die verdrockneten Wüstenpflanzen zb), sehr dunklem Grass und Bäume ohne Blätter. Diesen erhält man dann in der Umgebung wenn man zuviel Umweltverschmutzung betrieben hat… Klar, wäre wieder n heiden Arbeit, aber war jetzt auch nur mal so ne Idee.
Trozdem möchte ich dir mal für deine überragende Arbeit danken! Einfach nur geil was du hier ablieferst. Minecraft ohne Industrialcraft²? Kann ich mir persönlich gar nicht mehr vorstellen!
I wonder how the FML conversion is going….Good luck Alblaka
Can you add a config option to make nukes not drop items so that they don’t lag so freakin bad?