Don’t ask.
Promised my student group to do a win-robot-dance if we pass SWP :3
Just, after 96 hours of waiting, received the mail confirming we passed it. And actually with a fine grade of ~3.0. Appears our code wasnt as crapperific after all.
Means the next 4 weeks a free of anything not-fun-related. Just need to get my MCP setup running again and then
I’ll rock the code
like a hurricane.
woo! no more waiting first lol
Doesn’T mean the update will go much faster.
i know it just means hey alblaka is back and some things are getting worked on
Which is considerably faster than “I hope he passes”.
true that lol at least now we have a sitrep lol
Congrats, Alblaka!
Congrats to Alblaka and his friends.
Now I’ve got to leave it’s time for a show.
Yay congrats.
Hope this will make IC2 update faster now you have more free time.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! I cant wait for the farming stuff and the plants.. and of course the 1.2.x update…
listen to this when you continue coding:
Haha, just kidding, gz for passing ! 😉 Celebrate with your team and good luck with your next task 🙂
Congratulations, guess you got a bright future ;D Goodluck pal.
not to try to make you stressed or something…
But i can’t wait any longer for IC² for mc 1.2 D:
i didn’t update my server to 1.71 when it came out so i haven’t been able to play with crops and when i finally choice to update i needed a clean 1.1 server and well i was to late.
no just kidding take your time^^
i was in your same boat Killra, lol. i had been stuck back using MC1.0.0 and the compatable IC2.
yay IC2 weapons of mass destruction get added sooner 🙂
Having just watched S02E02 of Community in a catch up marathon, I misread this as you promising your student group to win the robot dance. Grats, and looking forward to upcoming updates.
congradulations alblaka
Glückwunsch, dir und deinen Kollegen!
Congratulations to you and your colleagues? That right? If I am, I share the sentiment.
are you ic2 development stopped?
^^^^ Not deleted for the lulz.
Glückwunsch 😉 Gute Arbeit dir und deinem Team
Congratulations, Big time
Grats Alblaka! I just finished a huge exam myself so I’m feeling some relief too.
Looking forward to the 1.2.3 release, but no rush!
Good boy 😀
Can’t wait for IC2 being updated to 1.2.3. And I hope that there will be a new plant on the agriculture section.
Congrats on passing!
Congrats! Hope your grades stay high, and hope you complete that degree soon!
Grades are secondary, passing is primary.