Get your F5 keys ready

Just do.


You can stop torturing your F5 Key now. Instead torture your Minecraft 1.1:


Have fun and all stuff ^^


PS: 217 views within 18 minutes. Means ~6-7 views (and most likely downloads) each minute. IC became quite known, didn’t it :3 thanks for your dedication, all fans.

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30 Responses to Get your F5 keys ready

  1. Scorpi says:

    Yes sir! 😀

  2. Scorpi says:

    My mind:
    1. Hm, open Alblaka’s blog, no news =(
    2. Refresh
    3. Oh my god! My F5 is ready 😀
    4. ???
    5. PROFIT!!!

  3. Killra says:

    allready pressed it about 30 times after i saw your post D:

    • kdl says:

      I use a Macro every 15 minutes to press F5

      • Killra says:

        Good one^^ i must say that i don’t bother with macros at the moment.

        Btw i think “Visits today” just passed the 1k mark since i first saw the post

  4. Stef says:

    RSS ftw!

  5. Karach says:

    Oh, noes. Another update, another MCP decompilation patches, another waiting for third party addons, another weeks of lurking the forums for news. Why, oh WHY? 😛

    Just kidding. Thank you and keep up the good work. 🙂

  6. ivesen says:

    i think we all know what this means 1.66 or whatever the version is is coming SOON! yay

  7. DGardener says:

    stop teasing us! D:

  8. The_Scary_One says:

    That was really unfair… Several of us already warmed up during yesterday, and now i am going to wear the writing of my F5!!

    Can’t wait 😛 used the better part of yesterday to create a new area only for farming!

    PLEASE keep up the good work! (goes to your team as well)

  9. Killra says:

    Nice!! now i have somethings to do again. I was just about done with my basic base now i can add all the new fancy stuff thanks alot Al and the rest of the team!!

  10. Macvombat says:

    This seems to be incompatible with forestry atm – thanks for the update, great work

    • Macvombat says:

      Actually, that seemed incredibly sarcastic, i meant: Thanks for the update, Great work – it does seem to be incompatible with Forestry atm though

      incredible how that made a difference 😛

      • Alblaka says:

        Assuming you mean those parts of forestry using IC stuff? Very well possible, we kinda broke any sort of Addon with this update, including hooks from other mods into IC.

  11. maximaximal says:

    Yay, IC2 is updated 😀 – Thank you for the good work Alblaka, keep it up!

    I will start a new server-world now xD

  12. Hog says:

    Construction foam seems to be bugged, can’t place anything that ‘sticks’ to it (doors, torches, redstone at least) on them.

    • Alblaka says:

      I don’t see why foam should give a hold to torches in first place.
      Unless you’re referring to hardened wall blocks, in which case it IS an issue.

      • Hog says:

        Sorry, yes I meant the hardened wall blocks.
        Further playing brought up a problem with drawing water into buckets too, so might be something corrupted on my side.

        • Harmony says:


          Well, maybe you need to redownload, or another mod did something to it? If those don’t work, it’s probably a bug….

          On a side note, I’m surprised Albaka hasn’t made a machine that rips the fabric of space-time….lol…

  13. Wastolomaei says:

    Just one question: What does an “overclocker”?

    • Alblaka says:

      +30% machine speed, +50% energy consumtion, stacks.

      • Rgamer says:

        So for practical purposes +150% speed,+250% energy consumption is max for battery powered, and +120% speed, +200% energy consumption is max for cable-powered, yes?

        • Alblaka says:

          No? You can stack overclockers in whole stacks.
          As well, the effect stacks, thus 2*overclocker = 163% speed and 225% consumption already. Scales up quite nicely.

          • Bluehorazon says:

            Ouuh… so with compound interest…

            Multiplyer of 1.3 on Speed and 1.5 on Consumption. 64 Overclockers would mean:

            19 Million times more Speed
            186 Billion times more Consumption

            You aren’t joking? The whole earth would go dark just to macerate a piece of coal 😛

          • Alblaka says:

            Not joking. But it’s capped at 1 op/tick with ~8000 EUt consume.

          • Harmony says:

            Lol, unless you have a secret underground nuclear complex with a large solar array and geothermal generators on lava cells……..

            Whats evil is making people pay for power. XD

  14. Abuelo says:

    Uhm, seems like normal armor is affected in some way because I lost a complete bronze one with only a few mob hits. Got this problem in SMP, my friend experienced it too.

    Tried with iron and got same result. Nano armor seems unaffected. We have only Industrial Craft in our server, no other mods.

  15. Ianangelo says:

    well of course you would have more than 200 views in the first 18 minutes because….
    1. industrialcraft 2 is cool
    2. many love playing minecraft with industrial craft 2
    3. many have mc 1.1 and cant wait to have ic2 to be updated to mc 1.1

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