Wiki updated

Well, I’m back 😛

And I updated the wiki for the 1.0.0 port ^.^

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5 Responses to Wiki updated

  1. Lasergut says:

    Good to Hear you are feeling better, Welcome Back!

  2. nearbygamer says:

    thanks for creating such a quality mod and keeping it going for the fans

  3. Sirbrandino says:

    Hooray! Glad you are getting better!

  4. Sir Pickles says:

    We have a situation…..

    My city made of nukes was griefed….

    Apparently, the massive power of the 1.0 release sent so much power it activated all the nukes…….O.o

  5. Sir Pickles says:

    Ummm, your missing luminators in the list and a HAYO! in many places :3

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