Hotfix v1.337b released


Contains some fixes, f.e. Solar Panels working again :O


*waves hand* this isn’t the typo you are looking for

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37 Responses to Hotfix v1.337b released

  1. DarkStorm says:

    Hurray, we keep the 1.337ness!

  2. ivesen says:

    hope 1.0.0 is gonna be next πŸ˜€

  3. VoraciousPuma says:

    It seems the generator recipe you fixed doesn’t work at all now. Going to try on a clean install to see if that does anything.

    • VoraciousPuma says:

      The recipe was changed to a battery over 3 refined iron over an iron furnace, false alarm?

  4. Raa1337 says:

    Er. Why is it 1.3 -7- 7b, typo?

  5. Tempelchat says:

    The download says “industrialcraft-2-client_1.337b.jar” actually. High chance it’s a typo but who cares, as long as it works πŸ˜€

  6. Max says:

    Ummm, I noticed the quantum helmet mentions an ability to cure/negate poisons. That would require 1.0 testing. Which means they’ve already begun testing the mod on 1.0, so all of those who are waiting for 1.0, take ease, progress towards it has already begun.

    Now stop bitching about it and worship your gods, Notch, Jeb, and Chuck Norris….


    • Pah says:

      The poison negation/cure was added in 1.8.1 to handle the poison from spiders in abandoned mineshafts.

    • Big Electron Disaster says:

      Maybe you are right but well, if Alblaka himself can say something it will be great. I mean, we don’t want an accurate release date of the 1.0 version (because that’s nearly impossible) but you know, something like “in 2 weeks” or so will be much appreciated… even if he doesn’t do it in time.

      Yeah I know I need patience, but it’s hard…

      Oh and thanks for the great work Alblaka.

    • Shane says:

      chuck norris quit being a god when he made a wow commercial =(

      • Alblaka says:

        Je, just saw that one over here in Germany, too…

        But given a friend of mine is playing WoW and is actually a quite decent guy, i’ve lost the “omg WoW kills” attitude. Loved the “Warcraft has xxx players… because Chuck Norris allows so”, though.

        • Max says:

          Lol, yeah, no matter how good/bad the game is, the commercial was pretty funny, no matter what people say….

          And you all forgot a HAYO!!!

  7. Union says:

    Oh Alba… didn’t you ever hear about the golden rule to game balance?

    “If you nerf it, it will die…” πŸ˜‰

  8. Weissbart says:


  9. Nerox says:

    I do suggest the 1.337b stands for 1.337badass?

  10. Michael says:

    I hadn’t heard of it, but do agree with it. If you nerf it, they will seek the next best thing and expand it to make up for the nerf.

  11. Scors says:

    “This is not the typo I am looking for”

    πŸ™‚ And, to add in: Wonderful job, love the luminators… Kind of wish I could have a bar luminator powered through a wall, cause I love the bar versions, but also hate having to constantly re-power all of them. πŸ™‚

    I vote for texture-happy blocks that can blend in and transfer EU! πŸ˜€
    (Adaptive texture-happy blocks that take textures from other blocks.) ^^

    • Alblaka says:

      I’m sorry, but it was pain enough to make them work correctly with cables (f.e. not connecting when you wire it into the luminators “air”-side). Coding them to accept power from a cable BEHIND ablock appears relatively impossible with the current enet.
      I will probably take another look into the “disguise cable with CF-Foam” idea, though.

      • Scors says:

        Uhm, actually, I wasn’t thinking of power THROUGH a normal wall block, I was thinking more a special block that can take textures from a block you give it, but can move power through itself. (sort of like the original cable-obscuration with the tool, only with the adaptivity of the Secret Switches mod.)

        Though, CF Foam would also be fun. πŸ™‚ Whatever makes you happy, I’m just popping out suggestions as they pop into my head. πŸ™‚

  12. USBCable says:

    Looking great! Looking forward to IC2 for 1.0. I have a suggestion for that: I know some people (including myself) are waiting to start a 1.0 world because we want to be able to mine for resources in IC2. If we start and then add IC2 later, we would need to go far and out of our way to generate new chunks to get certain resources. So, if the full IC2 for 1.0 takes a while, could we have a partial IC2 with just resources? That way, we could collect resources, and when the full IC2 comes out, we can then use them.

    Either way, thanks for all your hard work and a great mod! πŸ™‚

    • Alblaka says:

      Port is port. There’s no such thing as “quick port with ressources only”, unless creating a “new” mod spawning the same block IDs over the whole map to be used by IC2 later on… which would take the time we actually want to use for porting.

  13. Hugsim says:

    “Contains some fixes, f.e. Solar Panels working again :O”
    Is the typo fixes instead of fixed?

  14. Sereor says:

    Anyone else getting way too high EU loss with glass fibre?

  15. Grimmeld says:

    We’re still not able to macerate bronze ingots πŸ™

  16. Miles says:

    Is there any way to get notified by email or something when there’s an update to industrialcraft?

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