Luminators back in dah house

Now, not exactly “back” but rather “new” as i’ve recoded them to a basic 2ID-block. Couldn’t stand waiting anymore.

HOWEVER, you do NOT get the casual oversized-blocklike luminators but actual stylish neonbulbs. They will attach to ground, wall or ceiling in a modern-pattern, reshaping accordingly. Of course they provide extreme good light (actually just glowstone, but that IS an engine limit), do not obstruct walkways (though you CAN collide with them) and will set mobs (exspecially undead ones) ablaze.

Consumption is 5 EU per second currently, which means 1 RE Battery lasts for ~ 1.7 days. Did i mention they can be powered either via LV or by rightclicking them with Batterys, or even Crystals (filling up the Lumis in a larger room would otherwise require too much batterys…).

As well, i guarantuee for ZERO flickering. Unless you’re running low on energy.

Btw, Study-Project is near finished (the actual reason i found time to code this) i will try to get the version done up to WE. Probably gonna skip intensive betatesting for this smaller update (compared to 1.30 itself).

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89 Responses to Luminators back in dah house

  1. Awesomejunk says:

    So, no update today? Maaan, i need new F5 key already…

  2. DanielPSP says:

    Is the Recipe the same as the one on the wiki?

    Anyway, good news! Take your time 🙂

  3. Ian Maayrkas says:

    You are awesome.

  4. Amech says:

    My hero 😛

  5. StandaxXx says:

    Will this update include SMP version? Btw I am happy that we finaly have usable luminators 🙂 Good job

    • Alblaka says:

      Uhm, yes? Kinda strange question.

      • StandaxXx says:

        Well I just wanted to be sure. Buildcraft 3 is SSP only for quite some time now. For me SSP is pointless, because i play SMP only.

        • Alblaka says:

          We got quite an advanced mechanism for developing SSP and SMP at once. You will may find releases with “This feature is bugged in SMP” but i don’t think we will ever release some sort of SSP-only version.
          Unless Mojang screws something up, that is.

          • Rgamer says:

            By “screws something up”, you mean SMP-related, right?

          • Alblaka says:

            Yes ^^’ As in “Lolz, we added flying lazer-pegasi but now MC-servers crash, sorry, we will fix that after implementing the modding api”

          • Rgamer says:

            Did I mention I like your sense of humor? Also, the day Mojang adds flying laser-pegasi, I think every mod user will stop updating. That, or the mods will disable the flying laser-pegasi. And make servers work. Did I mention that modders seem to do better jobs than Mojang?

          • Max says:

            Ummm, I seriously hope that it’s a joke that started here, because I heard rumors something VERY similar to that may be implemented… :3

            Jking lol

  6. Weissbart says:

    hooray luminators! no more ugly redstone thing! Al, you are gr8!

  7. QweQ! says:

    Can we turn them on and off if we connect them to a power line?
    Off-switch would be a nice addition allowing you to stop flow of energy trough the wire.

    • Alblaka says:

      Due to their new placement perimeters (on walls/ceilings) the only currently applyable mechanism (redstone) would definitely be a pain to apply, even with RP.
      Thus the only way would be interrupting the power-source itself (f.e. via redstone on an electric storage block).

  8. VoraciousPuma says:

    Do they transmit power to each other like cables, or do you need a cable going into each section of light tube?

    • Alblaka says:

      Nope, because they’re not full blocks anymore and lightbulbs transmitting energy over 2 meter of air KINDA is weird.

      • Urmamasllama says:

        so wait does this mean that they will be flourescent lamps?

        if so i might have to use these instead of RP lamps for my office building =3

        • Alblaka says:

          They will be modern battery-powered (or cable) torch-replacements.
          I currently think about rather giving them a panel-like look… probably make it dependant on whether they’re attached to cables. (as otherwise they don’t cover up cables = ugly)

          • Bluehorazon says:

            You could also Create recipes for different shaped lights. Because you could also use them for Lanterns by just placing them at the end of an cable. So sometimes it might be wanted to not hide the cable.

          • Max says:

            Yeah….maybe you could make a recipe that you put in reinforced stone with cable to make walls with cable in them? Also, I know this probably won’t work or will be really hard, but could you make a electronic lock that when you put in a number code that you can program in, it applies a redstone power for 2 seconds at least (this way we have a more technological way to open doors, and it will keep intruders out!).

      • Stuart says:

        For clarification, do you mean neon bulbs (essentially like a torch) or neon tubes (behave like the current wires, but give off light)?

  9. Octave says:

    Do You love us? =)

  10. Glory of Arioch says:

    Slightly on-topic, did you ever bump tin wire up to 4 EU/t? That seems like it’d be ideal for powering these lights.

    Also, could I request a µV transformer for transforming 32 EU/t to tin wire (3-4, whatever they are) voltage? That’d make it nice for wiring these new lights.

    • Alblaka says:

      1. Lumiantors can be run on LV = Copper cables without issues.
      2. Tinwires are not yet buffed to 4 EU, but probably will. There will, however, be no ->4EUt transformer, they are not meant to be used for anything but Solar/Wind/Water-Farm wiring.

      • dragoone 34 says:

        actually tin cables would make more sense for lighting considering their ability to have very little eu loss….just it would make more sense…

        • Weissbart says:


        • Alblaka says:

          It wouldn’t make more sense, but yes, it would make things easier. Which is not something intended, they’re REALLY only meant as a way to wire up farms with less costs. Originally intended for Watermills.

          • dragoone 34 says:

            well it’s just a thought is all…i mean i like the idea of luminators, but i think making them 4eus and then bumping tin cables power to 4 eu would make lighting more practical, you would need a micro-voltage transformer but that wouldn’t be too hard to code i imagine…

            sure this may seem too easy but id rather not have a lv transformer every 5 cables to prevent power loss…..

          • Alblaka says:

            Luminators can now store a full RE battery worth of energy and consume 1 EU every 4 ticks. Powering them with 32’er packages is entirely legit and generally with low losses.

  11. Sir_Jon_Le_Bold says:

    Are you going to bring backe the ability to disguise wiring in ordinary blocks?

  12. andrew says:

    actually i just want 1.33 already

  13. Octave says:

    Buildcraft & RedPower are ready for MC 1.0.0v (Forge also), any chanages for IC2 in this way?

    • Stefan says:

      not 1.3x he sayd.. i think/hope 1.4x?


      • Bluehorazon says:

        Making a wild guess i think 1.0 Forge came quite surprising so 1.33 would be for 1.0 if Forge would have hit earlier.

        Actually there seems no need to deny a 1.0 release. But maybe some of the armors need fixing for 1.0 and only god knows what ever flaws may arise but i guess IC² would get a 1.0 Version sooner or later, and i don’t believe it will be that late.

        But luckily we have light bulbs^^ I just wrote about them in on of the over posts. I would like to write thinks with light bulbs (although it would be a waste of power… but IC² hasn’t introduced global warming or air pollution^^).

    • Alblaka says:

      Eventually after this release.

    • Cadde says:

      The only thing i would want from 1.0.0 is probably the animal breeding. For food.

  14. AJ says:

    Love you Alblaka! This is still my favorite mod hands down and I will waste months more of my life on it once a 1.0.0 version comes out!

    In this respect, take your time on that since it’d probably wreck my finals grades if it came out too soon!

    • MorganIsCewl says:

      Dude, if it’s IndustrialCraft-related, it’s not a waste at all. It’s just a non-conventional way of spending your time.

      • AJ says:

        Well I didn’t mean it in a mean spirited way. I don’t consider it a waste but my professors sure would! XD

        • MorganIsCewl says:

          Your professors need to be taught the awesome of IndustrialCraft! And Minecraft, for that matter.

          • AJ says:

            Heheheh, then I’d no longer need to worry about my exam grades because the profs would be playing too much to grade the exams.

  15. EpicKaiserTom says:

    I have an idea for a later release of industrialcraft.

    Might I suggest that creepers, instead of dying to an electric fence or tesla coil, get super-charged/electrified? I think it would help balance how “overpowered” these things are currently, I mean, they take energy, but the energy can be easily produced by solar plants or generators or whatever.

  16. Gravity says:

    The Best Mod. Ever!
    Хорошая работа, товарищ! (Russion humor)

  17. Troposfaeren says:

    Luminators Made me smile:-)

  18. Dee says:

    I know there’s a engine limit limiting lighting to a value between 0 and 15 but, I was wondering if it was possible to make a light source seem brighter by reducing the rate at which the light level decays due to distance from the source. If that were possible then you could double the light radius of luminators without dealing with the brightness cap.

    • Alblaka says:

      Impossible unless you actually modify the lightning engine itself.
      OR by coding some transparent specialblocks, which have no visual indicator but give of light. Would be buggy as hell, though.

      • imer says:

        How about different colors?

        • Alblaka says:

          @assuming you mean colored lighting:
          So far, no. I could implement it easyly into the existing block though, but the problem is i got no clue how to change the actual light emittance, it’s hardcoded. As well, i’m not aware how MC generates yellowish light from torches and blueish light from moon. I doubt Notch was wise enough to implent anything close to an actual colored-light-algorythm.

          • mkcompy says:

            Unfortunately correct. Eloraam talked about this. It’s on a 2D slider like the biome colors, with only yellow, blue, and white I think.

  19. StandaxXx says:

    F5 F5 F5 F5…. 😀

  20. Brandon says:

    Can we expect Industrial Craft to support Minecraft 1.0.0 soon? Buildcraft has been updated but I’m going to hold off updating until Industrial Craft supports it. I have really enjoyed your mod. Thanks for the time you put into it.

    • Alblaka says:

      Depends on how you define “soon”.
      First of all i want to release the 1.337 version <= Sunday. It will include the long awaited bugfixes, luminators and the Redstone-EU cables. Probably we will turn towards porting 1.0 afterwards, which will take one to several weeks, can't tell yet.

      • Bluehorazon says:

        Hmm… i would sound more cool if version 1.337 woud be the one for 1.0 *g*

        Porting to 1.0 could make problems with armors (some other modders statet issues there) but most other things don’t seem as messed up as you would expect.

        • Rgamer says:

          Frankly, I just want the update :P. I want new light sources.

          • Nick says:

            i just want the update for 1.0 so i can start playing again the server is at a standstill as for now 🙁

            It´s time to stop living in the past (1.81) and embrace the future! (1.0 even tho its code isnt as intact). 🙂

            Again thx for the best mod out there 🙂

  21. Shane says:

    i have to agree with nick – living in the past is bad =( and the time frame is getting rediculous for those that are hard core IC players

    quit releasing crap prerelease stuff mate for the love of god plz

    • Alblaka says:

      Noone forces you to play “crap prerelease stuff”, feel free to drop IC if you can’t wait for playing 1.0.

      • Nick says:

        But that is not fair, playing 1.0 without IC is like riding a bike without a bike, minecraft is prettymuch shit without IC and im not saying this to kiss ass it´s because its true.

        • Alblaka says:

          Not going to argue against that, but i rather prefer debugging something before porting/advancing it further. Otherwise stuff like Mojang happens. Thus we will first debug IC with the 1.337 release (and hell, the changelog and fixlist is long) and then port IC to 1.0.
          If i manage it in time, you will may even get the first bits of the agriculture system with the 1.0 release, depends.

    • wolfnacht44 says:

      FYI buddy there is a downgrader, and I honestly dont mind running on 1.8.1 cause thats less crap I have to remember how to craft >.< the enchanting junk blows lol

      • emeralis00 says:

        I have a solution. Search for minecraft portable. It will let you have multiple version of minecraft on your computer because it saves to the folder it is in rather than some folder deep within your computer.

  22. Max says:

    “PLEASE UPDATE TO 1.0 NAO” is probably expected here and that’s what everyone is thinking, so, while I may not be a part of their team (at least not yet, I do have some ideas I wish to share), I do believe that I speak for them when I say “Do you want it done fast or done right”. I would prefer it to be working and operational when they release it, and not have another thing like “broken luminators” again. This is a huge mod and it takes time to update people, unless you want it to be updated without half it’s features and for every tree to be turned into a primed nuke.

    Now, shut up, back off, and give them some damn space!

    And to the IC2 team, if those luminators are broken in the next update, your next. I want quality work, not rushed work. Understood? And your welcome for the above part.

    With all the love and zombie slaying in the world, Max <3

  23. Max says:

    Wait, question, could you post up details of the new stuff that are coming on the wiki?

    • Alblaka says:

      Nope. From the beginning i stated i’m not responsible for the wiki. It’s the people’s job to keep it up to date.

      • Max says:

        Kay, but is it listed anywhere. Maybe I’m just clueless, but I can’t find it….and I want to prepare my resources…..

        • Alblaka says:

          You gotta think about it for a second:
          The wiki is updated and extended by the people playing the mod. Do these people already have the unreleased version?
          Can they, thus, update the wiki?
          No, not yet.

          • Max says:

            So….I have to kidnap and then murder the Loved ones of the people at fault then until this demand is met. >:3


  24. CovertJaguar says:

    I’m curious what the issue was with single block id luminators. In Railcraft I have signals that blink that also adjust their light value dynamically with no issues. Just have to call the appropriate lighting update function to get them to update.

    • Alblaka says:

      Ok, that would be new to me.
      If you’re the developer: In a single ID? Damn you succeeded where we failed :O Could you please provide me the bits of your code referring to the lightning mechanics?
      If you’re not the developer: Are you SURE the signals are a single ID? If so, mind telling the developer of Railcraft to do ^^this^^

      • CovertJaguar says:

        Sent you a PM on the forums with the code I used. And yes, its in a single id, in fact that id has all kinds of other stuff besides blinking signals packed into it, most of which emit no light at all.

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