Jup, we just finished up creating a first playable 0.70 version of IC. It’s probably buggy, doesn’t match IC’s content (yet!) and does not have SMP.
BUT we made progress
Beta Testers should start testing soon (depending on when they get up/home) and as soon as killerbeez got his YT-Teaser done, i will of course link it here. :3
Watch on own danger though, still could take 1-2 weeks (in worst case more) to finish… don’t die from being envy at those guys playing already XD
Me being envious about trying to play the mod early when crashes are 99% more possible? Hah, right…
…*puppy whimper plus big eyes here*
Just kidding of course. Good luck with it!
good to see you making progress.
looking forward to YT-teaser…
Bugger I wish I had seen the page about beta sign ups before it had closed. Would have loved to do some tutorials.
Are free Beta Tester places left ?

And a question … i think you are german (i´m too) but why there is no german translation or a german wiki ?
Because Fean didn’t manage to code multi-language support into the wiki. And as the majority of IC²’s users speak English over German, the choosen language is English then ^^
Good work, take your time and it will amaze everyone ^^
I just get a jolly out of looking at the stuff in the official wiki that’s been added so far, lol…
Are the beta testers also going to post the recipes that they have “found?”, or will you be getting around to adding those in yourself?
Either way, can’t wait!
suffering serious level of IC-withdrawal. must… have… energy… (SC pun intended)
Can’t you just use the old version while IC2’s being developed?
Starcraft? t op.
Seems like Alblaka casted emp on us.
Marco010 got a points though. They should like, ask people to make translations.
P.S.: As he asked (answer is probably negative), are there still any beta tester places left ?
The problem is not translation, but wiki setup. It doesn’t support multiple, localized entrys for a single page. And i’ve got neither any clue, nor the time to deal with it ^^’
Nope, for now the team is quite full… and we got like a dozen people pending for beta-tester.
O and sorry for the double posting but, why can’t we (or I, I don’t know if its just happening to me) edit/create any page on the wiki.
The wiki is currently locked, as Fean is afraid people will mess into him updating the wiki with IC² content.
Like he’s adding “RE’s can now partially charge” to the battery article and the next user goes with “No, i just tested with the newest verison IC v8.55, batterys only are full or empty”…
EIPCNESS! Can’t wait to try it.
Looking forward to getting a video out asap, once I’m done unpacking everything from moving I’ll get right on it. That and go into a mini como from the exhaustion.
O… That would indeed make trouble. But still ! On the pages, there should be like a general categorie (description,etc.) and also the IC2 difference.
Nope, the wiki will get entirely converted into IC²
IC1 will drop dead with 1.8 release, at latest ^^’
Bro, i waited…. hold on
>begins counting fingers
1…2..3..4..5 about 5 months for the aether, atleast, i can wait 2 weeks for this.
Ye, that’s the good thing if you don’t attempt to grap for the start, but “just” create something real and reachable :3
I can wait to, thats not the matter ! The problem is, THE SCHOOL BEGIN IN 8-9 DAYS !!!!
*Wail* CAN’T… Wait.. *Claws at computer*
Just kidding. Hope to see more info! Thanks for updating the blog, takee care.
Don’t claw your monitor :O
Either it breaks (you loose) or it your talons hurt (you loose) ^^’
When is there going to e a open beta cause im pulling off my hair waiting for it
There will be no explicite “Open Beta” but only a v0.9 release.
Probably withing 1-2 weeks.
It will come with most features, except for minor high-tek stuff and SMP-support (SMP can be implemented best if you do it last, amusingly).
The time of reckoning, when I must eliminate all IC related stuff from my map to prepare for IC2 is almost upon us. I forsee great pain and suffering in my future.
Keep a backup of your map though, once the converter is done you may be able to reuse it ^^’
When does the hurting stop?!
I almost can’t wait for IC²….. but I’ll manage some how
*starts dreaming of IC² + Buildcraft 2.1 and Redpower 1.7 to build a fully automated refinery of goodies
While waiting, let us discuss how we automate production. I tend to have different factories for different functions. The main plant is for macerating, smelting, and recycling. It has about 6-8 of each device. Raw materials are placed into one chest, sorted, and sent to the appropriate stations. Refined materials can be retrieved from one chest as well. The factory is being fed by 8 quarries, which are moved up as they mine down to bedrock. One long pipeline moves everything to the industrial sector from the mining sector. Most stuff is recycled and fed into a matter maker. Ore and other valuables get refined then sent to a couple different factories, based on need. Rubber factories, munitions plants (to manufacture ammo and explosives), wire plants, and construction related materials (stairs, half-slabs) all have their own buildings.
The whole thing is powered by several huge arrays of solar panels that have all their EU fed into one single point. From there redstone switchs lets the operator control which factory gets juice. They can also power teleporters or redirect all the juice to a matter maker. Sadly, with so many factories I have switch’s everywhere, and I’m the only one on the server who knows which does what.
Funny thing is we have huge stockpiles of weapons and ammo but no real challanging enemy to use it on. Kind of a waste…
:/ And i thought my 32x16x16 factory capable of processing everything my miners drop in would have been awesome v.v You’ve shattered my dreams…
Now, actually not, just gonna code something more awesome to mess with
Yep that’s the kinda setup we’re trying to achieve as well, but we use real industrial standards in coding our switches (e.g. SWP_Q.01 for Switch to powering Quarry 1 ect) and we use colors in the cables for specifying power, control and feedback to control room
We’re not automating the weapons and ammo, but these are order based (push button)
And we’re still seaching for automated tree farming and seed sowing.
Pretty cool BTW that you have already made this
We should merge our servers and start WW3. I could duplicate my industrial sector and place it somewhere else on the map with MCedit. How did you get colored cables though? Eloraams? I really like the idea of push button automation, seems much more modern.
Automated tree farming is still something we’ve yet to do. I can’t figure out a way to do it without tons of pistons and complicated redstone timers.
You guessed it Eloraam’s Redpower, The push putton has one drawback ATM if a build (e.g. Dynamite) takes more then 4 of the same item, you have to push twice, which is kinda frustrating…
We’re looking into an automated tree farm using a quarry + timer and fillers to plant trees. But we’re not there yet
Combining servers might be a nice idea for the future, but since my private server can’t handle more then 7 players and all the buildcraft stuff going on, I’d rather not. I’m saving for an upgrade to handle >15 players
I have a tremendous under-utilization on my server. AMD hexacore ~4 ghz processor, 8 gbs ram, 180 GB ssd intel drive (the other ones go bad to quick), 5 mb/s internet. I can run the server and play and only use about 30% of my CPU. Only 3-4 people at a time are usually on the server though. My mods are IC, BC, ww2 guns (heavily modified so that guns are craftable), and soon to be wireless redstone. Sadly, we can’t use forge cause just about everyone on the server uses optimine, so no BC engines until optimine is compatible. If you think I might make a good host let me know: I’m eager to see some new faces and to get a good war going.
I would love to see that. Any chance you could get us a save to gawk at?
Build craft 2 dont use clocks generators. Redstone stop being that important as far as i know
au contraire, mon ami. Redstone wiring is still very important for some complicated control setups for plant automation, much more versatile then redstone dust, and the Integrated Redstone reduces the size enormously. And I almost forgot the lighting blocks for that industrial look…
Actually you have a choice still between engines or clocks
Thats Excellent news, dude. Take your time and good luck
Hey, just saying i LOVE the mod, I just got a few questions and suggestions
1. Will we be able to recarge Energy Crystal based items such as the laser with a Charged Energy crystal once more?
2. Is there any news about the “exploding machines” or “Teleporter with multiple destinations” I read some conversations i somehow found
3. Will the Force Field Generator be siriously de-bugged, i have a huge problem with it when i turn it on or off, or change it’s energy input (It launches me towards a page with only the words SAVING CHUNKS and nothing more)
4. NanoSword, Batbox :3 i’m excited, i can pretty much figure out it’s uses but yeah, i want to know more.
5. Are there going to be any new generators?
6. Since you, or maybe som1 else stated that the Lapitron Crystal is for storage only, maybe enable a 20M storage MFS Lapitron Edition? (MFS has 8 energy crystals 1=80K 80K*8=640K)
7. About the Electrical Fences (Ladders), are they actually going to be able to electrocute mobs when applied with the right amount of EU?
8. Is the Advanced-Nanosuit going to take another step, such as (temp) invisibillity? like the Invisibillity Cloak of the Nether
9. A better Bat-Pack perhaps (or is that Bat-Box)?
10. High Tech Camouflage doors, act as cables (like the luminators), camouflage as the block you put in it.
11. Tin and Copper blocks
12. Tin and Copper dust blocks
13. Highly Advanced Solar Panels wich produce 2-3 EU
these are all just things i had in mind, i just hope you’ll reply
Cya ltr Cable Obsecurator
1. Once more? You could never recharge them with a crystal. And you won’t can in future IC² versions. You can charge Tier 1 tools (Mining Drill, f.e.) with a battery directly, but anything else must be charged in MFE/MFSU.
2. HV will probably make machines explode (as previous), dunno about Teleporters. Actually i would like to claim whoever wrote that convo got no clue.
3. Yes
4. NanoSword, Batbox? Hell, how do you know of this secret projects consisting of a laser-sword like weapon to cut through nanosuits and the Tier 1 MFE called woodern batbox? I think i need to slap someone in the dev team for constantly leaking informations :O
5. Not in the first release, but yes, later on.
6. there will be 3 Tiers, for batterys (RE, Crystal, Lapotron Crystal), storage blocks and Transformers. You can imagine the old IC MFE to be “Tier 1.5” and the MFSU “Tier 2.5” compared to the new system.
7. Nope.
8. I assume you mean “Aether”? I doubt i will implement invisibility, would require too many basemodifications. But the nanosuit will probably get a slight rework.
9. Nope, 6 RE’Batterys worth of power strapped to your back is enough :O
10. I don’t exactly got the meaning of that sentence
11. Not sure. We don’t have sprite limit issues anymore, but i never saw much of usefulness in the storage blocks.
12. Surely not, you cant compact dust into solid blocks.
13. Nope.
Love the mod. I am really glad you got onboard with forge. 1/1000th of RL diamonds 4 u.
Why there is no Open Beta ?
’cause its a real beta, with real bugs and real testing. You know. With the testing. And the bugs. Did I mention the bugs and testing?
Because thegame is too unfinished to let public people deal with it. It would merely spam the bugreport section with the same stuff all over.
With a few, dedicated and mature testers, it’s running perfect.
When IC2 isn´t released soon, I explode like a Creeper
Luckyly, this blog is constructed of Reinforced Stone :O
Wow just looking at some of the stuff that has been put on the wiki, cant wait to see this release
Hey guys,
i am really exited to see something from the beta of IC², when will killerbees be ready with its teaser?