Starting the 1.7 Update of IC

Ye, finally. MCP is released, except for 6 hours of university on Friday, i’m done for the time being. As well Transformers WfC dropped my interest after winning the server 18:1 on my FIRST PvP round ever (scored 3 times the points anyone else did). In total, this means i’ve got free time and nothing else to do. Gonna start updating IC now.

Keep in mind, this may take a while, because it will contain a whole lot of bugfixes and something new, presumably OMG TELEPORTERS!

I will keep you updated in the IFrame over THERE >>>

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3 Responses to Starting the 1.7 Update of IC

  1. Carling says:

    <3 Alblaka

  2. Keyalha says:

    looking forward to the new teleporters and 1.7.3 support keep it up, bookmarked to watch the iframe once a day to see if any news about IC are up 🙂

  3. pav says:

    Omg teleporters!? this is going to be top of minecraft century, finaly i can make my super secret base somewhere and wont need to go there!!!

    Keep in nice work!

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